Saturday 7 February 2015

Brave Frontier Guide- What Unit Types are good and which ones are bad?

Hello, this guide is a simple guide in which I will analyse each unit type such as anima and lord and tell you which ones I believe are the best and worst. For this guide you do not need to know what types do what because I will be saying for each type what stats are affected, but you will have to know what each stat does. After reading this guide you should be able to figure what units you have that are good unit and bad unit types. As always this is ultimately my opinion only, so if you disagree with my reasoning that is completely fine. Also, if you do not wish to read this guide but still are interesting in this topic then please watch the video I made just below the introduction. Lastly, this guide extends from my previous guide on how to analysis a units usefulness so check that out to further understand where I am coming from.

Video Guide:


This unit type increases the amount of HP a unit gets and decreases how much REC. This is the best typing for a unit in my opinion. This is because HP increases a units survivability more than DEF since it is not affected by things such as DEF ignore and counters flat damage attacks better. Addtionaly, most units hit the REC soft-cap of about 1.3-1.5K, so the REC drop is hardly noticeable. This example of my Anima Elza will help emphasize how good an anima is stat wise.
The stats make me drool a little bit....


This unit type increases the growth rate of ATK but decreases the growth rate of DEF. Since, Brave Frontier is mainly focused on making sure your units have good defences this typing is not that great(but not the worst). The increased ATK is very nice on attack focused units, but is not very good in support or healer units since they do not do a lot of damage to begin with. Additionaly, the DEF drop is really bad for any unit role no matter what. However, unlike a typing we will get to later, this typing stat boost is at least a little useful worst case scenario. Here is an example of a unit that having Breaker on is quite annoying.

I cringe a little bit every time 


How about we move on to a type that won't make me cringe a little bit? Guardian increases the growth rate of DEF, but lowers the growth rate of ATK. This typing is quite good because the DEF boost is very useful in almost any scenario for any unit role. However, the ATK drop can be a bit annoying for units that do a lot of damage,but the DEF makes them more survivable so it is made up for in most cases. Here is an example of attacking role unit with guardian as his type.


The lord type knows how to keep stuff simple for us. This typing does not affect a units stats AT ALL. So, this means it will not makes your unit do more damage,less damage, be more tanky, be less tanky etc. This means the Lord typing is the kind of type that you can't get to happy or mad for getting due to this. I will be honest it is really hard to complain or be happy about getting this type. Here is a Lord type unit.
Cant go wrong or right with a lord can ya?


Oh boy now this is where it will get interesting. This typing increases the growth of REC, but decreases the growth rate of HP. This typing is so bad that it almost feels like I get cancer every time I see this word on a unit. Most good units hit the REC soft cap even with anima! Also, HP is the most reliable form of survivability stat wise so decreasing it is begging a unit to get wrecked every time they battle any tough enemies. Overall, this typing is the worst typing you can possibly get on any unit, and unless it is the only unit you have of it, you will likely want to get rid of any units that are oracles and that you have at least another one of it that is not oracle. Here is an example of cancer incarnate......I mean an oracle unit(keep in mind he is only 5 stars at the moment) 

Preferred Order:

Here is the order of overall usefulness of each unit type from best to worst going from left to right



Thank you as always for watching my latest gaming guide on brave frontier. Please feel free to comment on what you thought about it. My next post will be a basic guide for playing Humans in the Free to Play Game Nosgoth. Make sure to check out my twitter for the time and date of which it will be posted.


  1. Well Zach.. even though I don't understand any of it, I will say that if this is original thinking in this hyper niche arena, then your blog could be more valuable, and get more readers over tine, than everyone else's. including mine, combined. The problem is of course that I have no way of knowing if this is indeed your original work? And I don't have time to do the tests it would require to check, so I'm going to say good work, carry on. I love the background but the sidebar looks a little bare. You could get a YouTube widget in there perhaps? Facebook? Popular Posts gadget?

    1. Thank you Mr.Campbell, in regards to proving this is my original work are you referring to, is it my photos,video, or just the guide in its entirety? Also, how would you recommend I prove the part[s] you are referring to are indeed my original work because I cannot think of anything off the top of my head. Anyways, thank you commenting and for letting me know what was good and not so good about my blog.

  2. Dude you don't know how to convince people. You put up some solid points, but you need more comparison. Telling me defense sucks because of a couple units isn't very convincing, especially when you follow it up with an argument in support of defense in a separate category. You also use the "bad" stats in their worst case scenario (breaker on a non-attack type). Then later on, defense is suddenly more important than attack on an attacking type? Like I said, solid points here but if you're gonna make an argument, don't just state a point and half-ass the reason. Really get down into the nitty gritty. Like why rec is so bad even if you have a healer or a heart crystal generator. Or why lord is better than catering to a units stats with the boosts/reductions of other types. I don't follow you, I'm just passing by, but I figured I'd drop my opinion here for ya. Maybe there's something you can take away from it in the end.
