Monday 2 February 2015

Brave Frontier- Basic Guide to Analysing a Units Usefulness

Important Note!:

This guide is for Brave Frontier Global so this means 7 star units will not be factored into this guide, and any other units that are currently only available in the Japan version(which is ahead of the global version in terms of content) will also not be factored into this guide. 

Also, this guide is ultimately my personal opinion on how to tell if a unit is good or not, and is not the must do way of analysing a units usefulness.This guide assumes you know the basics of brave frontier such as what are brave bursts and super brave bursts, what each stat(attack,defence etc) does, what a leader skill is, what brave crystals and heart crystals do, what each unit type does to a units stats(anima,lord etc.) and the roles units can have(support, attacker, healer etc). 

If you do not know the basics of Brave Frontier either check out the official wiki at or ask me your questions in the comment section of this blog post.


Hello, welcome to my basic brave frontier guide on how to analyse a units overall usefulness. After this guide you should be able to tell what units you have that you should keep, get rid off, or what units you want but don't have to best fit your squad. This guide will be looking at the following aspects of a unit: Stats(attack,defence etc), leader skill, and Brave Burst(BB)/Super Brave Burst(SBB).

Analysing a units stat line:

This is the very easy part of this guide because we are just looking at number and comparing to what I consider is good for the stat[s] in question, so lets take a look at each stat individually, expect Attack and Defence since I believe they have the same range for what I consider good.


This is what I consider the most important stat in the game because health is more reliable than defence due to things such as defence ignoring attacks and attacks that do fixed damage(an attack that always does 4000 damage). Just about every strong/good unit will have close to 6000 HP or so before any kind of stat boost(including spheres) if they are not an oracle. I say this because HP much lower than 6000 tends to result in the unit being an easy target for late game bosses to destroy in just a single turn even if they have gotten a nice boost to their max HP.

Please note that some very good units that are oracle will have an HP stat much lower than 6K so be lenient in that case.

Here is an example of a unit with HP that would be considered good and notice how he does not have any spheres on.
I would hope a beast this big would have good health :p

Attack(ATK) and Defence(DEF):

Having good attack is extremely important for your damage dealing units, but if your unit is not an attacker this stat is not very important. If your unit lacks good attack as an attacker unit he might as well be trying to tickle the late game bosses with a feather duster at that point. So, with that said the number I find to work well overall is about 1700-1800 or greater for attack because this is enough along with typical stat boosts such as leader skills and spheres to give your attacker unit solid damage output, and for other roles such as support it gives them the ability to do at least slightly noticeable damage so that they are not completely useless without their BB or SBB.

Furthermore having good DEF is super important(just slightly less than HP) to have on all roles because if this is low even if the unit has good HP they will still get wrecked hard but high damaging dealing bosses. Just like ATK around 1700-1800 or more is great to have before stat boosts because it will allow a unit to at least take some fairly heavy punishment before getting killed.

Now this Elza is a very good example of a unit with strong ATK and very good DEF, and she is super adorable so I can't complain :)
The adorableness is REAL!


This stat in most cases is a stat that you do not have worry about most of the time on good units. This is because the soft-cap for REC starts somewhere around 1300-1500, so this means that if a units REC goes over the soft-cap that means all the REC past it is not as effective. For example if a unit had 1700 about 200-400 of its REC would be affected by the REC and be mostly wasted.

Also it should be noted that most good units will hit soft-cap for REC in most cases and sometimes WAYYYYY over it such as the Beast God Exvehl I used as an example picture earlier.

Here is an example of a unit that has in the best case scenario just went over the REC soft-cap
I recommend you do not pet the dogs xD

Leader Skill:

Now this is where it can get quite complicated in some cases. When it comes to leader skill some are almost always good, some are sometimes good, and some are near worthless, and a good chunk of this depends on your current squad. It may help to know that this what a squad should consist of:
  1. A way to produce BC effectively
  2. Keep your squad good on HP
  3. Boost squads offensive potential and or help with damage
  4. Boost squads survivability  
So being able to tell if a leader skill is helpful is to figure out if the leader skill will help achieve one of the 4 goals mentioned above, or will at least add to one of them if all 4 are achieved. For example Beast God Exvehl leader skill can be helpful if you need to achieve the goal of being more survivable and keeping up their HP, otherwise if you do not need that his leader skill won't be much help.

Here are some good leader skill examples that can fit the 4 goals 
That pose though 

Keep a close tab on your wallet when this dude is around :p

However, some leader skills do not achieve one of the 4 goals or does not do a very good job of doing so such as adding attack to units of a certain element because it means in order to be effective it requires a team of one element.

Here is an example of a not so helpful leader skill

Brave Burst/Super Brave Burst:

For the last section lets talk BB and SBB. This is ULTRA important for any unit as even with good stats a unit with a bad BB and or SBB is about as helpful as a holding a metal rod in the middle of a thunderstorm. Just like leader skills BB and SBB they help with achieving the 4 main goals of a good squad.

Keep in mind that most BB and SBB have more than 1 effect such as doing damage and increasing all units ATK for 3 turns, but if a BB just does 1 thing don't assume the SBB will be bad. Some good BB include Beast God Exvehl who removes status ailments and nullifies them for 3 turns and Thief God Zelnite who does damage to all enemies and adds several brave crstyals to all other allies

Also, an example of a bad BB and SBB is a unit named Gravion because his BB is only a 10 hit combo on all enemies and his SBB is a 12 hit combo BUT DOES NOTHING ELSE!

The End:

Thank you so much for reading my basic guide on analyzing a units usefulness. If you have you wish to say about this guide such as what you liked, what could be improved etc please feel free to make a comment about it below(just keep it reasonable ok?). All pictures used in this blog were taken on samusung galaxy s4 phone and were my own units,therefore I own the pictures used on this blog post.


  1. Hello Zachary,

    I was wondering if you would be covering WoW as well sometime? I have a Lvl 90 Blood Elf DK and a 45 Pandaren Hunter on Arthas. I'm curious to read your opinion on the game. Blizzard is also releasing Heroes of the Storm soon. Are you looking forward to it as well?

    1. Hello Anett,

      I am very aware that Blizzard is releasing Heroes of the Storm soon. Now I have played WoW quite a bit back in the day, but I got bored of it fairly quickly and never got back into it. I might cover Heroes of the Storm since I do enjoy the MOBA genre, but I will not make any promises quite yet. Regardless thank you for the suggestions.
