Saturday 14 February 2015

Nosgoth Basic Guide: Humans


Hey guys this is Zachary Snow here bringing you yet another basic guide. This weeks guide is how to do well/survive as the human faction in the Free to Play Game Nosgoth. This guide will tell you helpful tips on how to perform well as the humans and this mainly towards more new people,but experts may find some helpful things they might overlook from time to time.

Stay close but not to close:

When you play as the humans most people will figure they should stick close to their team-mates so they do not get destroyed 1vs1 against a vampire. Now this is a good idea for the most part, but staying to close can have its own problems

This picture is a golden example of why you should not stick to close to your team. In the picture I was sticking to close to my other team-mate allowing the tyrant to land a shock-wave on the both us,thus leaving us vulnerable to his fellow vampires. Additionally, this is also true for all other vampire classes such as the Reavers choking haze, the sentential's air strike, and the deceivers infect. Staying close to team-mates does allow you guys to work together to kill the vampires, but don't stick close or you will regret it SO HARD!

Eyes up high and on the sky:

The vampires can be very sneaky running around on the rooftops and even flying around the map. It is critical that you at least keep an eye up high every few seconds to ensure something doesn't surprise you or your team. Not doing so can result in a game that heavily favours those sneaky vampires.

In this game I was a scout and by keeping my eyes up high I was able to notice this sneaky summoner running around in an attempt to flank me. Not doing so could of resulted in the summoner having free reign on me by spamming her spells resulting in my death without me knowing any better. It is very important to do these even if you do not have the massive zoom of the Scout because not knowing where the vampires are for a long period of time will result in your team losing an upcoming fight that you had no idea was going to happen.

Use your sprint and roll:

This may sound weird at first but it will make sense soon. So the humans in Nosgoth have unlimited sprint and can roll not to long after a previous roll or sprint. It is important to utilize your sprint to do things such as catching up to your team,pursuing a injured vampire, or running away from a losing fight.

Also, using your roll is very important to dodge attacks that the vampires send your way and can make the difference between life the death in many cases.

Anticipating an attack I role once this summoner walks towards me, she did attack once I started rolling so I managed to dodge her attack and was able to cloak and run out before she could do anything else. So make sure to use your roll or else you may regret it.

Keep an eye on your mini-map:

Here is a tip I personally do not enough my self. So the mini-cap contains very useful information such as supply station locations and the location of your team-mates. Keeping a close tab on this very important to know where your team is or if you need a supply station.

In this example from looking at the mini-map I am able to tell where my team-mate is, that he is taking damage, and that their is a nearby supply station for me to heal up at. Especially, in heated situations looking at the mini-cap can make the difference.

Stock up on Health and Ammo Often:

I am also quite guilty of not doing this one as often as I should be. This is very situational as it depends on your current ammo,health, where the vampires are at, where your team is at etc. However, I find that it is better to stock up on HP and ammo sooner rather than later in case of a long fought out fight.

In this picture I decided to heal up even though I had a good 75% of my HP left and had near or completely full ammo. I did this because having the full health and ammo would be critical for an upcoming fight since if I ran out of ammo or got low on HP I would not be in fighting condition. Keep this in mind any time you are even starting to get sort of low on health or ammo IT COULD SAVE YOUR VIRTUAL LIFE!

Focus fire frequently:

This one can make one HUGE difference in a variety of cases. If during a fight each team member is attacking a different vampire the team is bound to fail in many cases since humans usually lose a 1v1 against vampires. Focusing down vampires can give the humans the edge they need especially against vampire classes that are being annoying or even a specific vampire who is playing way better than his or her team mates.

In this scenario me and my team member were focusing down a tyrant who decided to show his face to us, we got in some good damage and we forced him to pop his ignore pain when he was not to low on HP. Even if you do not do a lot of damage to a vampire focusing fire can make them waste abilities or retreat from a fight they otherwise would of stayed in. This tactic works better if your are communicating with your team such as in-game voice or text chat or you are skyping with 1 or more team members.

The End:

Thank you guys for reading my latest guide to playing as a Human in Nosgoth. Comment what you thought about it or any suggestions you have. Go out there and MOW DOWN SOME VAMPIRES!


  1. Hey Zach.. feels like I commented on this post already. Very good post technically and great content - but really its time you learned how to share your content. You need to get busy on gaming discussion forums ; you could build this into a very busy portal (or do a proper blog in WordPress.) You could turn this type of content into $70k a year job. One forum for you that i used to use is Midnight's Lair. out of Montreal. check it out.

    1. Hello Robert, I honestly kept forgetting to post a link to gaming discussion forums but I will get on that later tonight or tomorrow and I will check out Midnights Lair as well. Thank you for commenting and your suggestions, and also you have not made a comment on this post before your current comment, but you did make one on my previous blog post which may be why you felt like you already made a comment on this post.
